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A CASA provides the judge with a carefully researched background of the child to help the court make a sound decision about that child’s future.  The CASA helps determine whether or not it is in a child’s best interest to stay with his or her parents or guardians, be placed in foster care, or be freed for permanent adoption. An advocate may identify services for the child and family in order to help keep the family intact. The CASA makes recommendations to the judge and follows the case until it is permanently resolved.



Advocates also encourage and assist the child in expressing his or her own opinions and hopes, thereby providing the child with a “voice” that can often go unheard in these official proceedings.



Children who have been assigned a CASA often spend less time in court and less time within the foster care system than those who do not have CASA representation.  While in foster care, their health and safety are closely monitored.  They often suffer fewer temporary placements and find safe, permanent homes more quickly.  Similarly, troubled families, with a CASA’s assistance, will promptly receive services, and children are quickly reunited with parents who are better equipped to handle the task of parenting.



CASA of the Tri-Peaks serves the 15th Judicial District: Logan, Scott, Yell and Conway Counties.

Judge and Gavel



CASA of the Tri-Peaks

366 N. Broadway, # 22

Booneville, AR  72927


(479) 206-3500 -Phone

(479) 675-2642 -Fax



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